Digital Dating with an Analog Brain

2 min readSep 10, 2021
Photo by Anna Pou from Pexels

When we opened our marriage in 2019, I found myself back in the dating pool after a 17-year hiatus. The last time I dated was when I was 20 years old and in college. Internet dating was not a thing yet. Heck, smartphones weren’t a thing yet. Looking for a date involved talking to people in your classes, being set up by your friends, chatting someone up at a party, and generally face-to-face interaction before the date itself.

Now that we look for dates with apps and websites, there’s a whole new barrier between the potential beau and myself. I have no way to judge true physical attraction or chemistry when I haven’t met them in person yet. Their pictures can look great, but we all know they can be deceiving. Many of my dates say my pictures don’t do me justice, so it can also be detrimental if you aren’t photogenic. I actually make a point of posting unfiltered pictures in natural light and full-body shots since I’m in the short and “curvy” category. I’d much rather my date be pleasantly surprised than disappointed by my appearance.

Even if your pictures are a 100% accurate representation of your appearance, we all understand that attraction is deeper than that. It’s the way someone carries themselves, how well-groomed they are, what stirs when you look into their eyes and even the sound of their voice. Maybe it’s deeper than that and its pheromones, but in…




Writing personal adventures in non-monogamy and relationships.